Bobby Simmons #10 Page 2
I don't talk religion in my stories {but I could}. I Pastor Faith Baptist Church in College Park, Georgia. Rocket is a member of my church. I have had the pleasure of performing the marriage of his oldest son, Justin and the sad duty of conducting the memorial service for his youngest son, Heath a couple of years ago. We talk almost every day and he is truly one of the two or three dearest friends I have in this world. Wrestling brought us together and and our friendship has endured the test of time. By the way my Mom is a member of the church also and she says it's still OK if I hang around with him.
I'll give you an example of how much I like the guy. Many years ago he showed up at my door with a Riverdale, Ga. policeman that wanted to be a wrestler. He was trying to pawn him off on me. You know you can look at a guy and tell if he has a chance to succeed. This guy did not have a prayer. He was always bringing guys to me because I worked in the office and they thought I carried a little more weight with the booker. I argued and complained for him to stop, but it didn't he would always put these guys on me...
Oh by the way the Riverdale Policeman... Ken Timbs... another story, another time...