Chris Brown #9 Page 2

Now these Tampa runs were very "tight" because it basically takes about 12 hours to make that trip down and about 15 hours to make the trip back up to Memphis. So I knew I had to hit the road and soon! Tommy comes up to me and said, "Big Biz, how's about I tag with ya for part of the trip?" I said "Tommy, now you know you're in the battle royal soon and I have got to hit the road like now if I want to make it into Tampa by 10 or 11am Sunday." That didn't phase Tommy one bit - he smiled and said, "Biz, no problem, I'll be right back." I swear timing is everything because just as he ran out of the heel locker room and started going through the curtain, it was his number and time to enter the ring.

It was no more than maybe 30 seconds before I heard the announcer say, "It's amazing ladies and gentleman, Tommy Rich just eliminated himself!" and he was right back in the locker room saying, "OK, Biz, lets go!" I never laughed so hard in all my life because what he did was run out of the locker room, through the curtain, ran into the ring and immediately jumped out over the top rope, thus eliminating himself from the battle royal and then he ran right back to the locker room. I know that wasn't "the plan" for him from the promoter but, damn, that was funny.

The other thing that happened that night was a saying that has always stuck with me. As we were gathering our gear together, I was looking through my wallet to see how much cash I had on me because I knew we needed gas. I didn't really want to stop for cash, I just wanted to hit the gas station and then hit the road.

While I was looking through my wallet, Tommy looks up and said, "So, Biz, how ya smelling?" I looked at him with a very puzzled look on my face and immediately sniffed under my arms. I said "Well, I guess I'm smelling OK, Tommy, but if you think I need a quick shower before we hit the road I'll jump in real quick."

He laughed his ass off at that and said, "Haven't you heard that term before Biz?" and after he said that I quickly picked up on the fact that he wasn't referring to how I was literally smelling. So he said, "Biz, when someone asks you "how you're smelling," and you are going through your wallet that means that they are asking you if you're doing OK for money."

I felt like an idiot but I never forgot that and now I often use the term "so how ya smelling?" See, now maybe when you see the Rock do his catch phrase, "If ya smell, what the Rock is cookin'!" You might never think of that in quite the same way again J.

OK, that's about all the time I have this month. Next month, I want to tell you about some of the intense house shows we would run. It would be nothing for the USWA to draw between 600-1000 in a national guard armory or a high school gym and I want to tell you about some of our house shows in Kentucky.

So until then, take care and keep watching indy wrestling! (insert shameless plug for some of the current promotions I'm working for) Check out,, and of course,

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