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I hope that each of you had a good
and enjoyable 4th of July and that you didn't eat too much.
This month I decided to write about a happening that occurred in
Johannesburg, South Africa, while on a tour there. I believe that
this particular tour took place in 1985. At this time, I was a
tag-team partner of "Diamond" Timothy Flowers and I wrestled
as "The Blonde Bomber". We were heels and had our hair
bleached almost white and had it spiked. Our gimmick for this tour
included carrying the American flag and a patriotic theme. We were
the bad boys from the U.S.A.
The stadium that we were wrestling in was huge and seated around 20,000
fans and the event was completely sold out. South Africa is a wild
and crazy place anyway but this stands out in my memory as THE wildest
and craziest place that I ever wrestled.
The ring was, of course, in the center of the floor and it had some sort
of canopy over it. The fans were so hyped up for the event that
you could actually feel the electricity in the air. Tim Flowers
and I came out and we had them play our National Anthem. Needless to
say, that really ticked them off.
Then the two wrestlers from South Africa came out and they played their
anthem and carried in a flag representing South Africa. We began
our match and ended up beating the good old boys from South Africa.
Following the match, I held up the United States flag and then all
hell broke loose. Tim Flowers, in the meantime, had somehow gotten
hold of the South African flag and was proceeding to stomp and spit on
it. Well, not wanting to let a good gimmick go by, I joined him.
We even went as far as to rip and tear their flag. Well,
this incited the crowd to absolute madness. I mean, they were PO'd
to the max.
The next thing we knew was that the crowd was hurling beer bottles and
trash upon us. The canopy that covered the ring fell to the floor.
The crowd was so rowdy and out of control that we thought that
they might actually riot. Apparently, the police did, too, because
they lined up shoulder-to-shoulder to keep the crowd back so that we
could exit the ring. The police then formed a circle of sorts around us
and they escorted us to our dressing room.
As we were making our way down this path of frenzied humanity to get to
the dressing room, Tim Flowers walked ahead and I brought up the rear.
Before I knew what was happening, a fan broke through the police line
and I felt him hit me in the back. The police quickly closed in on
him and he broke free and ran into the crowd. They asked if I was
okay and I said that I was so we quickly made it to the dressing room.
I found that I was getting weak physically and one of the police told me
that my back was bleeding. Yes, it WAS bleeding because I had been
stabbed in the back with some sort of knife or sharp instrument! The
person in charge of medical issues for the facility looked at my back
and told me that he didn't think it was too bad, so he suggested that we
"butterfly" it. Not knowing any differently, I agreed to
this and I continued wrestling for the rest of the tour with a bandaged
stab wound in the lower left portion of my back. The show must go
They never did find the person that stabbed me. However, we found during
this match how to "crank up the heat". No question about
it. We continued to use the U.S.A. gimmick for the rest of the
tour but, needless to say, we didn't go to the extreme of stomping and
tearing their flag again. And Johannesburg, South Africa, is
burned into my memory as the site and location of the match that I'll
never, ever forget.
See you next month.
Art Crews
a/k/a The Kansas Cowboy
a/k/a The Blonde Bomber

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