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Superstar Billy Graham Invades The Sunshine State - Mike Siegel In
the early 1970's Superstar Billy Graham graced
the cover of Inside Wrestling and The Wrestler
magazines on many occasions.
He could talk a mile a minute, was
incredibly strong and knew when and how to turn
up the heat to the fullest. As
we approached the mid seventies, Gordon Solie
announced that Superstar Billy Graham would soon
be making his way to the Sunshine State.
Shortly thereafter we were given a
preview of what we were in store for.
A taped interview sent in advance of his
arrival said it all. It went something like this: Superstar Billy
I cannot be denyyyed.
I am full of electricity, when I enter an
areeeena, when I enter an Auditorium. You've got to fasten your seatbelts baby.
Hold on to your children, hold on to your
wives and most of all hold on to your
girlfriends, 'cause I'm gonna get 'em...... and
Most of allllll Dusty Rhodes, Look At Me You
Punk.... By the way Terry Funk the World's
Champion, You Ain't Nuthin' But a Punk.
Jack Briscoooo, I'll Cook You With The
Help a Some Crisco.. and Dusty Rhodes the
American Dream, you are Uglier Than Seventeen
Horny Toads Boy.
I'll Have You Shinin' My Psychedelic
Boots, I'll Have You On Your Kneeeees Beggin'
For Mercy................ Graham
made quite an impact right away when he arrived. He had the physique of a World Class Body Builder.
A heavily bulked up body is pretty common
in the wrestling business today, but back then,
Graham stood out as a truly
remarkable looking athlete. One of Graham's fiercest competitors in Florida was the "Canadian Freight Train", Jos Leduc. Leduc had performed great feats of strength on the program in the past, like pulling a bus with his brute strength. Both men had a very intense "Bear Hug" which Graham often used as a finishing hold on his opponents, clamping his original 22 inch pythons around their waists. A contest between him and Leduc was seemed inevitable. More...