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NWA Champion in CWF
- Erik Kamber
10lbs of gold, the $10,000 gold and diamond studded belt.
Those were the two common phrases of the great Gordon Solie when he
was talking about the National Wrestling Alliance Worlds Heavyweight
that domed belt. From 1973 to
1986 that beautiful belt was wrapped around the waist of some of the
greatest pro wrestlers of all time. Jack
Brisco, Terry Funk, Harley Race and Ric Flair.
An impressive list, wouldn't you say?
Even some other greats had short runs as NWA World Champions and
for each one of those men it was an honor and a privilege to wear the belt
that told the world of wrestling that you were the very best in your
have stated before here on Kayfabe Memories, my prime years of watching
Championship Wrestling from
was from the summer of 1978 until early 1984.
During those years, two men stood above all the rest when it came
to being called Worlds Heavyweight Champion, Harley Race and Ric Flair.
When they came to town, action was soon to follow and memories were
going to be created to last a lifetime.
I would like to focus on my favorite NWA Worlds Champion Harley
Race, and his time spent in CWF.
Race was in the midst of his second NWA Title reign after defeating Terry
Funk in the famed
February 6th, 1977
. My first two memories of
Race were individual matches he had with one of my favorite tag teams of
all time, Mike Graham and Steve Keirn.
match with Steve Keirn was covered in my first article for Kayfabe
Memories. It was the first
live wrestling event I ever witnessed.
To quickly recap, Race and Keirn had the entire West Palm Beach
Auditorium in the palm of their hands.
The match went back and forth the match with several near pin falls
by the challenger. Race
eventually retained his title via pin fall when special guest referee and
former NWA World Champion Pat O'Connor indirectly helped Race by getting
into a verbal confrontation with Keirn.
Race did everything right in the match.
What I mean is he made Steve look like a million bucks, he
maintained his heat and title and in the eyes of the fans, Steve Keirn,
given the right circumstances, could become NWA World Champion next time
they battled.
Race - Mike Graham battle was shown as highlights on a CWF program.
I remember it well. The
year escapes me, I want to say it was early to mid 1979 but I am not sure.
Graham was an excellent worker and always had the fans heavily in
his corner and this night the fans wanted to see Mike Graham shock the
world and become the new NWA World Champion.
For most of this match, it appeared Graham was not going to let the
fans go home disappointed. That
was until one slip up by Graham allowed Race to once again escape
with his World Title.
in the match Mike stumbled over Race and flipped into the ropes, getting
his head caught between the top and middle rope, nearly hanging himself.
He and the referee sold it so well I thought it was an accident.
Race won the match but his luck was running out in
August 21st, 1979
, Harley Race is defending his title against long time nemesis and number
one challenger, Dusty Rhodes in
. Dusty had come close so
many times against Terry Funk and now Harley Race but due to
technicalities the title eluded his grasp.
was bloody and beaten, but mounted a comeback.
With Race down on the mat, Dusty delivers his patented bionic elbow
smash. He immediately gets up
and delivers another elbow smash. Dusty
rises again, ready to deliver another bionic elbow to the chest.
He pauses for an extra second to add to the drama, and delivers the
biggest of the three bionic elbow smashes to the prone Race.
Three seconds later the arena erupts, as Dusty Rhodes is the new
NWA World Champion. I
distinctly remember Dusty's reaction after winning the title.
He was so convincing in his joy at capturing the elusive crown.
Jack Brisco, Steve Keirn, Manny Fernandez and other wrestlers
joined the celebration in the ring. Big
Dust was hoisted high on their shoulders.

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