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section contains stories from the pros themselves told exclusively
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themselves? Click here.
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- Steve Webber
Does anyone remember jobbers from relatively short-lived regional
promotions? I've actually been able to recall a few. Obviously I don't
know that much about these guys for the most part, but I'll tell what I
know. But before I start my profiles, I would like to present the debut
of "The Wrasslin' Gourmet." This week's recipe: Miser Soup.
Miser Soup
1 pot hot water
4-6 restaurant packets of ketchup
2-4 packets salt
2-4 packets pepper
Bring water to a slow boil. Slowly stir in ketchup, salt and pepper.
Remove from heat and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Eat, and then wait 30
minutes. Do push-ups until you vomit.
Big Boy Williams: Was pushed back in the days of All-Star, and
actually held a win over the legendary Professor Boris Malenko. In this
incarnation he carried his Teddy Bear Oscar to the ring. Here is his
promo, as recited by Ron Gott back in 1982 in the classroom of Kathryn
"Moose" Peterson at Sullivan (TN) Central High School:
"Hello out there in TV land, my name is Big Boy Williams, and this
is my teddy bear Oscar. My daddy was killed in the coal mines of West
Virginia, and six months later my mama died of a broken heart. This
teddy bear is all I have to remember him by."
Of course Oscar met an untimely demise. During this period he was
rather rotund with blond hair. He disappeared, but later a slimmer Big
Boy Williams with dark hair appeared. I think Garvin claimed that he was
the same guy one time on TV. He never rose above the opening matches as
far as I know. I also never heard of him wrestling outside ICW. Has
anyone out there in KM land heard of this guy?
Willie Monroe: One week Ronnie Garvin comes out with this huge guy
who's walking on crutches. Garvin points out that he's even heavier than
Crusher Broomfield (pronounced Broom-FIELD) and tells the sad tale of
how this giant of a man ended up on crutches. Apparently two heels (I
think it was Pez Whatley and The Great Tio) were trying to hit on Big
Willie's wife backstage. When the big man tried to make them stop they
attacked him and messed up his knee. When he healed he tagged with
Garvin and promptly turned on him. More...
you'd like to discuss the ICW (Poffo) region with
other fans, please visit the KM
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Store 4
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Belt Gallery 4
section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight,
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School Tape Review 4
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