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 - Tim Dills


Recap and Preview

1987 ended with Jeff Jarrett becoming a force in area rings. A number of newcomers and ring veterans stopped over in the area at the time as the wrestling business had changed from a thriving territorial system into a national business where a handful of promotions fought for survival. During 1987 the Jarrett promotion had strengthened their ties with the AWA. The highlight of this cooperation for the Jarrett promotion saw Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee get a brief run with the AWA tag titles. 1988 would see the AWA title play an important part in the week-to-week events in the area especially as it related to Lawler. Lawler’s 1987 saw him in the thick of things in feuds against Brickhouse Brown, Austin Idol, Tommy Rich and Paul E. Dangerously. The new year though would find Lawler fending off the forces of the family from up the road in Lexington, Tennessee, the Gilberts.

Fire Flew From His Fingertips…

As the area’s top attraction and hero, Jerry Lawler was in constant need of believable foes to cause trouble for him. As 1988 began, Lawler and Bill Dundee squared off for a few weeks after Lawler had downed Dundee for the Lord of the Ring ring. Lawler then segued into a brief battle with newcomer Max Pain over the CWA title. In February though a bitter rival from 1987 returned to battle Lawler. That rival was Tommy Rich.

Rich, of course, had been part of wrestling’s hottest feud for a time the previous spring with Austin Idol against Lawler. Then the feud had lasted about seven months with enough twists and turns to keep fans curious enough to find it interesting. While Lawler was perceived as the winner by the fans since he ended up hanging around after the feud the actual ending of the feud likely ended without the satisfactory payoff that should have occurred for fans as first Rich then Idol left the promotion. With most fans recalling the feud it was easy to understand that Lawler still had issues that needed settling with Rich.  More...

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