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- Tim Dills
One of pro wrestling’s staples during the territorial years
was the ringside manager. Used to draw heat, sometimes the manager became
the territory’s lead heel. Frequently, ringside managers were former
wrestlers or wrestlers who were winding down their ring careers. As size
began to play more importance in the business, those who weren’t able to
compete due to size sometimes became managers. The Gulas-Welch territory
and then the Jarrett territory were both blessed with many excellent
managers over the years. There were also some who weren’t so hot. What
follows here is a brief synopsis of at least seventy of those who worked
in the area as a manager or valet between the years of 1965 and 1989.
Please understand this list is not exhaustive. Our list begins with the
first thirty-five.
- Year(s)
in territory: 1988
- Managed:
The Botswana Beast
- Interesting
characteristic(s): Came in for a week as manager to the Botswana Beast
who was receiving a shot at AWA champion Jerry Lawler. Akbar, a mat
veteran, had a number of big runs as a Middle Eastern oil-loving heel
manager including runs for World Class and Mid-South/UWF.
- Notable
rivalries/feuds (in the area): Not enough appearances to list any
- Year(s)
in territory: 1984
- Managed:
Ravishing Rick Rude
- Interesting
characteristic(s): A blonde female valet who worked with Rick Rude.
Was involved in an ongoing situation where she lured Austin Idol into
a feud against Rude. Later teamed with Rude against Dutch Mantel &
Evelyn Stevens. Finally was involved in Rude’s feud against Jerry
Lawler. Lawler though put a temporary end to Angel’s run when he
used the piledriver on her in a Memphis ring. She did return for a
brief time later in 1984. Noteworthy for being in one of wrestling’s
better music videos of the 1980s with Rude as the video was set to The
Romantics “Talking in Your Sleep”.
- Notable
rivalries/feuds: Austin Idol, Dutch Mantel, Evelyn Stevens, Jerry
- Year(s)
in territory (as a manger): 1988
- Managed:
Max Pain, Gary Young, The Cuban Choir Boys (also billed as The Cuban
Assassins), Jimmy & Tommy Baker, Pat Rose & Bob Holly, Kokina
& Prince Samu
- Interesting
characteristic(s): In an age of televangelists gone bad, the territory
introduced a well-dressed manager with a Pentecostal cadence. Carrying
a big weapon referred to as ‘The Good Book’, Angel drew immediate
heat from many with religious beliefs as the character obviously hit
too close to home with some viewers. The characterization made Angel
one of the most controversial attractions ever in the area. Encouraged
viewers to send in donations to him so he could build a theme park,
hotel and retirement center called Wrestling, USA. Left the area after
a few months and appeared briefly in Alabama’s Continental
- Notable
rivalries/feuds: Jerry Lawler
- Year(s)
in territory: 1987
- Managed:
The Hunter
- Interesting
characteristic(s): Female valet that was called The Hunter’s mascot.
Wore spiky hair and spandex. Used her high heels as weapons. The
Hunter was used low on cards during his stay in the area.
- Notable
rivalries/feuds: Alan West
you'd like to discuss the Memphis/CWA region with
other fans, please visit the KM
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