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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- Mike Rodgers I have had a look at some of the postings on the message board in the NW section and thought I would address the questions that many people have had on various wrestlers and their where-abouts and aliases. It’s trivia time and hopefully it will make for some interesting reading. Big Tom Andrews real name is Tom Anderson. His dad was also a wrestler. Andrews wrestled in Oregon in the late 60’s as a mid card wrestlers. He returned in the early 70’s as The Claw and was on top. Later he worked around the country as one of the Interns. Andrews has settled in the Mid-West and had been working for a school district. Kim Sung Ho wrestled in the early 70’s in the NW. He had been the NWA Lightweight champion in the LA region before coming to Oregon. He injured his leg while working here and I don’t know if he did too much after that. Kim Song wrestled here in the early 80’s for a very brief stay. Kim Song & Kim Sung Ho were not the same person. At one time I have heard other names that Kim Song has worked as but they escape me now. Don Running Bear had a brief stint in the NW. He came in from San Antonio with Billy Two Eagles and captured the NW tag championship. Two Eagles later recounted that Running Bears family was tired of him being on the road. That is why he didn’t stay in the NW for a longer period of time. Brian Lee is another very interesting story. Lee came in to join his cousins the Harris twins. When he came in something was wrong with his physical in order to get licensed. Executive Director Bruce Anderson wouldn’t license him. Lee mentioned all this on his TV interview and he even climbed in the ring and nearly got into contact with another wrestler. One of the Harris Twins then went and called Anderson and threatened him on his phone machine. That was the end of both Brian Lee & the Harris Twins in Portland. Siva Afi was in Portland for quite some time and even married sponsor Tom Peterson’s daughter at one point. He later went to the WWF as they were looking for someone that could replace Jimmy Snuka. Of course Siva couldn’t do that and he didn’t last long in the WWF. Dennis Condrey stopped in the NW for one week right after splitting up with the very successful Midnight Express team. However after working one week here, something came back wrong on his physical and he left. More...