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Top Heels

 - Mike Rodgers

This month we are going to look at the top heels in the NW. This list may not be the most successful people, but we want to look at the best personas and best looks that exuded evil.

10. Crazy Chuck Karbo.

Karbos gimmick is that he wrestled alligators, his favorite move was grabbing his opponents mouth and trying to pry it open. Karbo had wrestled in Arizona and the South but never achieved that much success. And to be truthful, he wasn’t that successful here either. But he was unforgettable.

9. The Claw

Big Tom Andrews masked gimmick along with the dreaded finish hold of the claw brought terror to the fans in 1970. He feuded with Lonnie Mayne and later Beauregard. The masked wrestler was quite unique in this time period.

8. The Bruise Brothers

This team would not have made this list if it were not for one angle. It was Christmas night, I believe 1989. The Bruise Brothers and Don Owen were in the ring when something happened that the Brothers did not like. They turned on Owen and gave him a big push. Elderly Don took the big bump and the way the crowd reacted was scary. You could hear a pin drop. That couldn’t have been part of a angle! Then the crowd went nuts. That may have been the most villainous moment in all of Portland Wrestling.

7. Dutch Savage

Although he spent a majority of his time as a babyface, he was probably more comfortable as a heel since it seems like it was closer to his true personality. His look as well as his demeanor made for a great heel.

6. Ripper Collins

The fans hated Ripper Collins...He exploded onto the area in the early 70’s and his vicious style brought forth the hatred. He destroyed Dutch Savage upon his debut and finished him off with the dreaded Oh Poo drop, which was a knee to the lower regions. There was so much heat on that move.  More...

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KM Belt Gallery 4

This section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight, tag, U.S. and various regional title belts.  To view it, click here.

Old School Tape Review 4

Reviews of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows are available in this section. To read more, click here.


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