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- Jeff Luce

I would like to take this opportunity to honor the memories of the recent departed legends of wrestling: Lou Thesz and "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel. You will be missed.

This month I am going to look at some of the most dominating tag teams in all of Southeastern Championship Wrestling. Now remember that I can’t recall everything prior to 1981, so if I leave something out please don’t be offended. I only write on what I’ve seen.

"The Original Midnight Express" Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose:

They may have teamed with others with great success, Condrey and Bobby Eaton, Rose with his "cousin" Pat Rose, but together Condrey and Rose equaled HAVOC. They were the perfect blend of wrestling and brawling. They had some of the best promos in all Southeastern. Above all though, they drew heat, nothing likeable about these two from a wrestling point of view. They were perfect for the role.

The first feud I can recall Condrey and Rose in was against the highly unusual, yet very effective team of Paul Orndorff and Norvel Austin. This feud over the Southeastern tag team championship was very good. The fans were solidly behind Orndorff and Austin, and couldn’t wait for them to defeat Condrey and Rose.

When you think of Condrey and Rose, you have to think of "The Midnight Express", which the aforementioned Norvel Austin was also a charter member. The Midnights had a stranglehold on Southeastern, and it seemed they were an unstoppable force. They feuded with every conceivable good guy wrestler in the area, from Mr. Olympia to Jimmy Golden. Last month I mentioned that Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden may have held the Southeastern tag titles more than any other team, but I think actually that honor seems to belong to Condrey and Rose. From their first Southeastern tag championship, which they won from Bob Armstrong and Jos Leduc, until their last ended by Brad and Scott Armstrong, Condrey and Rose were synonymous with the Southeastern Tag Team Championship.  More...

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