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![]() Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
Faces in St. Louis - John Edwards This
month’s article takes a look at the famous faces (good guys) in the
St. Louis NWA promotion during the time 1977-1983. There were many, many
wresters to work in St Louis during this time, and most adopted either a
heel or face persona (as was the case, during the strict kayfabe days
you were either a face or a heel – period). Before
going into this month’s article, I would like to take a moment to
thank “Chi-Town Rich”, a frequent visitor to our message board, for
a mother lode of information related to the St. Louis and Kansas City
regions. This information will definitely be used to help develop future
articles. Just as the same wrestlers worked AWA, St. Louis (NWA), Kansas
City (NWA), Indianapolis (WWA), and Chicago (AWA) back in the regional
days, we writers and board members seem to hop around regions as well! Now,
on to today’s topic……..ah yes, the faces. The big names in St.
Louis were either faces or heels back in the day. This facilitated
booking and setting up matches, as well as kept up the timeless essence
of professional wrestling: there is a “good guy” and a “bad
guy”. Plus, some of the fans in the greater St. Louis area were none
too bright and this helped keep track of the action! (Hey, no knock
here, I was one of them!) Here
are a few of my biggest recollections of huge faces who used to really
“draw face heat” on Wrestling at the Chase TV (WATC) and shows at
the Kiel Auditorium. FACES:
(In no particular order) Rufus R. Jones: Master of the Freight Train, Head Butt, and using his “soup bones”. Also a master of the almost completely unintelligible interview! In my time, RFJ was always a face. The fans loved him, especially when an opponent had him in a headlock and he would begin wiggling his butt to escape. Hilarious! Understand he had several NWA title shots in the past, before my time. More...