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Where Wrestling's Regional History Lives! |
- Tom Oliver Hello wrestling fans, and welcome to the Southwest Championship Wrestling. If you are like me, you have grown up with this great sport. I am very excited to be bringing some of the greatest moments in wrestling history to you. My name is Tom Oliver, and it is truly an honor to bring you this months installment of SWCW, so let's get right to the action.
SWCW was made famous for
it's wild, unexpected, and completely uncontrollable action. With
heroes like "Cowboy Scott Casey", Bob "Mr. Piledriver"
Sweetan, and Manny Fernandez to save the day from the real bad boys of
wrestling. You see, the fans of yesterday had something that the fans
of today lack, and that boys and girls are real heroes. Yes that is
right... somebody to look up to.
It's true Southwest Championship Wrestling had it's share of heroes, of course they had to, to defend the realm against the nastiest villains in wrestling history. Remember Tully Blanchard and Adrian Adonis...These guys were so bad..... often called monsters, these giants struck fear and havoc where ever they went, and what about the Mummy and Abdullah The Butcher...that madman from Sudan who had some of the most brutal matches in Texas wrestling. And who could ever forget the one and only Jos Le Duc. When these men would run wild over our favorite good guys, who was sent in to clean up the mess, but the late great Bruiser Brody. Brody was known the world over for being one of the toughest, wildest stars of the day. one look at Brody and you would completely understand the reputation he had earned. We will take a look back at these bloody wars in the months to come. Now let's go to the tag team division. Southwest Championship Wrestling had what has to be the greatest teams of all times. The guys who broke all the rules... of course in that group were the Dynamic Duo, The Sheepherders and the Grapplers. Then there were the ever popular Rick Morton, Ken Lucas and we can't forget Al Perez and Manny Fernandez. More...