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- Charles Laffere
ho ho and a bottle of rum
Hoist the mainsail - here I come
Ain't no room on board for the insincere
You're my witness
I'm your mutineer
was born to rock the boat
Some may sink but we will float
Grab your coat - let's get out of here
You're my witness
I'm your mutineer”
“Mutineer,” Warren Zevon
prayers go out to Warren Zevon and his family as he continues to battle
against terminal cancer. During his current tour, Bob Dylan has been
covering several Zevon tunes. I
have four Warren Zevon albums and they have songs that could fit perfectly
as entrance themes for wrestlers, especially heels…
very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins
I keep a busy schedule trying to fit them in
I'm proud to be a glutton and I don't have time for sloth
I'm greedy and I'm angry and I don't care who I cross
Mr. Bad Example, an intruder in the dirt
I like to have a good time and I don't care who gets hurt
I'm Mr. Bad Example, take a look at me
I'll live to be a hundred and go down in history”
Bad Example,” Warren Zevon
my name is Charles Laffere, and welcome to the November 2002 edition of my
Universal Wrestling Federation Kayfabe Memories. This time, I was going to
continue our look at the early months of 1987, but first a bit of a rewind
is due. Dating back to 1976, Bill Watts’ wrestling promotion held
supercards at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. Starting in 1980
Mid-South would hold an annual card on or close to Thanksgiving Day. The
first UWF Thanksgiving “Superdome Extravaganza” was held on November
27, 1986. The UWF had more cards at the ‘Dome after this, but the show
that night was the last truly big draw the company enjoyed at the stadium,
with 13,000 in attendance for 13 matches…
prayers never reach the sky
Some wars never end
Some dreams refuse to die
Next time I would rather break than bend
am a renegade
I've been a rebel all my days
I am a renegade
I've been a rebel all my days”
Zevon, “Renegade”
what happened that night? For one thing, this was a “UWF only” card,
with the stars on loan from other promotions that had frequented previous
Superdome cards absent. Since Bill Watts wanted to be the biggest
promotion in the universe and due to the increasingly competitive and
generally constrictive nature of wrestling promotions—with the exception
of the WWF, of course-- in 1986, it made sense to present the company’s
product on a stand alone basis. So, with that in mind, fans we treated to
an opening match of…
Jeff Gaylord and Art
Crews ? Yep, you’ve got it, a match featuring fellow Kayfabe Memories
scribe Art Crews, a/k/a/ The Kansas Cowboy,a/k/a The Blonde
Bomber! More...
you'd like to discuss the UWF region with
other fans, please visit the KM
Message Board |

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Replica Masks 4
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old school masked wrestlers.
Store 4
The KM Store now features products featuring the GCW logo as well as
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Belt Gallery 4
section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight,
tag, U.S. and various regional title belts. To view it,
click here.
School Tape Review 4
of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows
are available in this section. To read more, click here.
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