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- Bill Balch
Hello everybody. Since this is my first article, I feel it’s
important that you know who I am and where I come from. In future
editions, I will talk about things that happened in the Golden Years of
wrestling in the Southern California territory, from San Diego to Santa
Maria. And, I want you to know that I encourage questions. If
I don’t know the answers, I will certainly try to look them up.
From 1970 to 1976, I was the Public Relations Director for the Hollywood
Wrestling Office. The office was upstairs at the Olympic
Auditorium in Los Angeles. Before it was converted to an office it
had been used as the area where Dick Lane conducted live interviews
every Wednesday night on KTLA, channel 5.
I got my start in the business through a good friend of mine, Jeff
Walton, who was at that time Publicity Director for Olympic Auditorium
wrestling. As was the case with everyone associated with the
Olympic Auditorium’s wrestling operation, Jeff wore many hats. One
of these was promoting wrestling shows at the El Monte Legion Stadium.
As I said before, the Southern California territory stretched from
San Diego to Santa Maria (actually, Santa Maria was never a draw for us.
Roy Shire ran more matches there from his Bay Area territory).
Even though each one of these arenas, or "clubs" had a
different promoter, they were all under the banner of the Olympic.
Anyway, I had just been discharged from the Navy in January of 1970 and
I looked Jeff up to pay him a visit. Since we had both been
wrestling fans as kids and shared the same interests and views on the
subject, one thing led to another. Before I knew it, I was taking
tickets and ushering at El Monte. By April, I was made ring
This was my christening, my baptism… my introduction into the
business. It was the first time I had heard the infamous word,
"kayfabe." I don¹t think anybody in the business ever
forgets their first time in the dressing room. Within the next
couple of weeks I moved to a desk in the wrestling office and for the
next few months I actually did do some PR work. However, as time
went on, more and more of my time was spent working other arenas in the
territory. Maintaining the Olympic’s presence at the shows.
In the fall of 1970, I was working the clubs in Ventura, El Monte and
San Bernardino. It was about this time that KTLA gave notice that
they were dropping wrestling. It was a shock to all of us. Wrestling
had been a staple of channel 5 from its very beginning. More...
you'd like to discuss the WWA-LA region with
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Store 4
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Belt Gallery 4
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School Tape Review 4
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