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Regional Territories 4

This section contains monthly articles on over two dozen territories. To relive those wonderful days of old, click here.

Wrestlers 4

Enter this section for bios/profiles of various wrestlers from the regional days. To find more out about your favorite pro wrestler, click here.

Stories 4

This section contains stories from the pros themselves told exclusively to Kayfabe Memories. Want to know more as told from the wrestlers themselves? Click here.

Old School Book Reviews4

Click here to find various book reviews from old school wrestlers. 

KM Links 4
For tons of links to old school related sites, click here.
KM Micro Wrestlers4
What are Micro Wrestlers?  Click here  
to find out.
KM Interviews... 4
Click here to read exclusive interviews with stars from the regional territories.

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There have been many Assassins over the years, but the most famous Assassins were Tom Renesto, Sr. and Jody Hamilton. When I broke into the business Tom was the first booker I ever worked for. And Jody took me under his wing to help me learn the ropes. I even named my oldest child after them. They were and still are my heroes. For those that knew Tom only as the Assassin or as Mr. Renesto the business man, you really did not know him. He was one of the most articulate men I have ever met. He probably forgot more about the wrestling business than some of us will ever know. But when you knew the man, he was funny, and little bit on the devilish side.

This incident occurred in 1968. I was a 13 year old kid putting up the television ring and running errands for the office. I was a fan and much in awe of the wrestlers at this point.

The wrestling office was in the Sports Arena in Atlanta. It was an old building where they had country western bands and dances a couple of nights a week and wrestling when the city auditorium wasn’t available. Paul Jones, the Atlanta promoter owned the Sports Arena and he maintained a maintenance crew of about ten guys. There was a phone booth in the lobby of the building. Now picture this a real phone booth. It was about ten feet tall, had a light and fan that came on when you shut the door and a little place to sit inside the booth. Whenever that phone would ring the clean up crew would drop whatever they were doing and come charging toward that phone booth. They would almost come to blows trying to be the one to answer the phone, and whomever got inside to pick up the phone would close the door so the others couldn’t hear. One inside and nine panting at the door. Got the picture????

Tom gets to the office one particular day and I happened to be in the ticket office. He comes in and dials the number to the phone booth in the lobby. Here they come… We are dying with laughter as Tom hangs up as soon as they get to the booth. As they go back down into the arena Tom goes over and sprays a can of mace into the phone booth and shuts the door. He then proceeds back into the ticket office and redials the telephone. The sight that follows can’t really be described. They fought to get to the booth and then they fought to get away. They were falling all over one another and they were literally killing each other trying to get away. When the smoke cleared everyone and his brother were blamed, that is except Mr. Renesto. He was much too much of a gentleman to do anything like that...

KM DVD/VHS Store 4
Click here to purchase DVD or VHS products direct from the official distributors.
KM Replica Masks 4
Click here to purchase pro quality replica wrestling masks of all your favorite old school masked wrestlers.   
KM Store 4
The KM Store now features products featuring the GCW logo as well as some other very cool images.  To see what's new and to purchase T-Shirts, ball caps, mouse pads and more, click here
KM Message Board 4

Want to chat with other fans of regional wrestling? This message board has forums for over two dozen promotions. Click here.

KM Belt Gallery 4

This section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight, tag, U.S. and various regional title belts.  To view it, click here.

Old School Tape Review 4

Reviews of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows are available in this section. To read more, click here.


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