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 - Scott Keith

- Live from New Orleans, LA

- Your hosts are Jim Ross & Michael Hayes.

- Opening match: The Midnight Express v. The Samoan Swat Team. This is Stage Two of the Cornette-Dangerously pretend feud, as the Original Midnight Express have been banished from the promotion by a loser-leaves-town match at this point and the SST are Dangerously’s next weapon against Jim Cornette’s team. Over the course of the year, their make-believe feud would grow into a real one, which persists to this day. Lane & Samu do a wrestling sequence and Lane gets a cross-body for two. Samu retaliates with some Samoan Violence. Fatu comes in and tries to make a difference, but gets double-teamed. Lane hits the chinlock, and Cornette gets a cheapshot on Samu with the tennis racket. Lane gets caught in the samoan corner and they take turns running him down with Rock’s rental car and hitting him with a sledgehammer. Thankfully, he escapes and gets a sunset flip for two, then psychs out the Samoans. Eaton works a headlock on Samu as the crowd lets Paul know that he sucks.

Lane gets suplexed and legdropped for two, however. Eaton comes in with a small package on Fatu for two, as the Express play games behind the ref’s back to the delight of the crowd. The Express works a headlock and hits a double-team for two. Eaton gets nailed by Samu and becomes face-in-peril. The Vulcan Nerve Grip burns some time. Eaton fights back and makes the hot tag to Lane, and Katie bar the door it’s a pier-six brawl. Lane cleans house as Cornette & Dangerously each cheapshot a member of the opposing team. Lane gets the worst of it and becomes face-in-peril #2. Fatu powerslam gets two and back to the nervehold. A double headbutt gets two. Superkick gets two. Samoan beatdown gets two. Flying headbutt misses and hot tag Eaton. Double noggin-knocker backfires and Fatu goes upstairs. He of course hits Samu by mistake and Eaton hits a neckbreaker for two. Rocket Launcher follows, but Fatu nails Eaton with the telephone for the pin at 20:29. Dull but solid opener. **  

- The Great Muta v. Steven Casey. Steven the Wonder Jobber returns for another shot, and this time has even less chance than he did at Clash V. Muta mists him right off the bat, and hits a handspring elbow. Wow, I almost thought it was Chyna there for a second with that precision execution. Except of course that Muta doesn’t suck. Casey catches an armdrag, but gets mulekicked in the corner. He bails, and Gary Hart tosses him in for a missile dropkick from Muta. More...


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KM Store 4
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KM Message Board 4

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KM Belt Gallery 4

This section contains an extensive title belt gallery... images of heavyweight, tag, U.S. and various regional title belts.  To view it, click here.

Old School Tape Review 4

Reviews of various PPV's, commercial tapes and regional wrestling TV shows are available in this section. To read more, click here.


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