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- Jeff Luce

Welcome back Southeastern fans to this month’s edition for Kayfabe Memories. How do I begin talking about Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden? Man the memories these two left are endless. Behind Jerry Stubbs, Robert Fuller is my favorite wrestler of all time, and on some days if you ask me I’ll tell you he’s my all time favorite. Robert and Jimmy were magic together in my mind. Whether they were baby faces or heels, I was a fan. They worked like a well-oiled machine when together. It’s a shame that most newer fans know Robert as “Col. Parker” and Jimmy as “Buckhouse Buck.” If that’s what you know, then you missed out. I also missed out too because prior to 1982 I never seen them wrestle, and from what I’ve learned on Kayfabe Memories they had great years dating back to the mid 70s. So without further ado, let’s reminisce about this most fantastic duo and their exploits in Southeastern as a team and singly.

Robert Fuller: My introduction to Robert Fuller was in the midst of his violent feud with the New Zealand Sheepherders (Lord Jonathan Boyd and Luke Williams). Jimmy Golden and Robert’s brother “The Tennessee Stud” Ron Fuller were both out with injury, so a desperate Robert, against his family’s wishes, enlisted the aide of Randy Rose. Well that turned out to be a mistake as Rose turned on Robert, and the Sheepherders put a beating on Robert. [A side note: This also led to the formation of the Original Midnight Express- Condrey, Rose and Norvel Austin] Soon Jimmy came back from injury, and he and Robert gained revenge on the Sheepherders. In a match in Dothan, Alabama, Robert and Jimmy were able to break the arm of Luke Williams, and they may have gained the Southeastern Tag Team Championship in that same match, although I’m not 100 percent positive. Anyway, Luke was holding Robert’s arm for Boyd to come off the ropes with the New Zealand flag and hit Robert with it. At the last instance, Jimmy pulled Robert, and Boyd “broke” Williams’ arm. This exasperated the situation, and added a new tweak to the feud.

Robert spent long stretches, before the formation of Continental, off TV and not in the arenas. As I’ve learned in later years, Robert booked, which could be a reason for it. At any rate, it seemed to me that when Robert returned it was a big deal, and Robert knew how to get baby face heat. A perfect example of this is during Bob Armstrong’s heel run; “Bullet” Bob spent a lot of time running down Ron Fuller, until one day on TV Robert came out.  More...

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