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Summerslam '89 - Scott Keith Live
from East Rutherford, New Jersey. Your
hosts are Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura. ·
Opening match: WWF tag champions The Brainbusters v. The Hart
Foundation (non-title) Tully
and Arn were fresh off beating Demolition for the belts on Saturday
Night's Main Event. But this match was signed previously, see, so it's
non-title. Middling point: The little CC symbol is in the top corner of
the opening montage, but the closed captioning doesn't seem to be on.
Jesse notes that if the Harts lose, they might not see another title
shot until next year. One year after this show, the Harts won the tag
team titles from Demolition. Hitman and the 'busters put on a mat
wrestling exhibition to start. Harts work on the arm of Arn and play
mindgames with him. The key to Neidhart's success is for the opponent to
sell every move like they've been shot. Hitman
works in his wristlock bridge spot, and it gets a huge pop. Ah, simpler
times. But of course the champs sucker Bret into their corner and lay
the beatdown on him. The fans are popping like nuts for everything the
Harts do. Neidhart plays Ricky Morton once the Harts botch a move and
the champs take over. The face in peril period doesn't last long as Hart
gets the hot tag and cleans house. Bret didn't have the FIVE MOVES OF
DOOM yet but he works in a couple anyway. Cool slingshot shoulderblock
spot by the Harts. Then they do the "Neidhart slams Bret on the
opponent spot" (if you've watched the Harts lots, you know the one)
but Neidhart is escorted out by Joey Marella and Arn nails Bret with a
double axehandle off the top for the pin. This was a near flawless tag
match, even if it wasn't spectacular in the modern sense. ****1/4 ·
Dusty Rhodes gets funky like a monkey, if you will. ·
Dusty Rhodes v. The Honky Tonk Man It's
like watching that DustyDust sketch...except it's real! Standard Dusty
fare here. Stall, play to the crowd, jiggle, etc. A close up of Dusty's
ass provides a disturbing moment. Hart's distraction provides
opportunity for HTM to wallop Dusty in the stomach. Oh, like that'll do
anything. That's like trying to use a Bic lighter to melt an iceberg.
Honky controls with a variety of punches and chinlocks. WCW needs to
give Jimmy Hart the megaphone back to get his heat back. More chinlocks
from HTM. Why are they giving these two this much time? Dusty comes back
with the flip flop 'n fly, but a ref bump comes a bit later. Hart takes
a swing with the guitar but hits HTM, big fat elbow, pin. DUD ·
Honky is a bit incoherent after the loss.